"A Career Outside the Academia: My Experiences as VP at a small Hi Tech Company"Dr. Zuyu Zhao , Janis ULT Inc. [Host: Prof. Bellave Shivaram]
Most of the physics students will work in industry instead of academia after they got the degree (BSc., MS, or Ph.D.) The speaker will share his personal 30 year experience of working in a small tech company after his post-doc period, including changes and challenges of culture, daily life, responsibilities, etc. Advice will be discussed with the audience how meet the challenges. The speaker’s main tasks were to develop ultra-low temperature facilities from 300mK to 10mK. Along with the speaker’s career growth, examples of his achievements are presented. A brief business summary of the speaker’s company, before and after COVID, is presented at the end of the presentation.
Colloquium Friday, February 25, 2022 3:30 PM Online, Room via Zoom Note special room. Attend virtually via Zoom:https://web.phys.virginia.edu/Private/Covid-19/colloquium.asp |
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