 Physics at Virginia

"The Accelerating Universe"

Adam Reiss , Johns Hopkins University
[Host: Craig Group]

A public lecture by Adam Reiss, recipient of the 2011 Nobel Prize for the detection of the accelerating expansion of the universe using distant supernovas.  The lecture will be presented at 7 pm on Wednesday, November 9, at the Paramount Theater on Charlottesville's Downtown Mall.

The  Physics  and  Astronomy  Departments  at  the  University  of Virginia in partnership the National Radio Astronomy Observatory invite the community to a special FREE public  lecture  by  Nobel  Laureate  Adam  Riess  at  The  Paramount  Theater  on  Wednesday,  November  9  at 7:00PM.    Prof.  Riess  will  speak  on  the  fascinating  topic  of  the  accelerating  universe.  Due  to  his  critical contributions, Prof. Riess shared the 2011 Nobel Prize "for the discovery of the accelerating expansion of the Universe through observations of distant supernovae."  The term "supernovae" refers to stars exploding at the end of their lives. The team Prof. Riess worked with used a particular kind of supernova, called type Ia supernova,  to  understand  the  properties  of  distant  galaxies.    His  research  team  found  that  light  from distant  supernovae  was  weaker  than  expected  ‐  this  was  a  sign  that  the  expansion  of  the  Universe  was accelerating. Prof. Riess will discuss the excitement of this discovery, its implications, and current ongoing work to help answer remaining questions. 



Wednesday, November 9, 2016
7:00 PM
The Paramount, Room The Auditorium
Note special date.
Note special time.
Note special room.

Special Nobel Lecture

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