 Physics at Virginia

"Spin-Orbit Coupled Double Perovskites: Topology and Magnetism"

Arun Paramekanti , University of Toronto
[Host: Israel Klich ]

Double perovskites are a broad class of transition metal oxides which exhibit a wide range of phenomena - high temperature ferromagnetism, half-metallicity, and Mott insulators with geometrically frustrated magnetism. I will discuss how spin-orbit coupling leads to new physics in these systems. Specifically, I will discuss how ultrathin double perovskite films can support Chern bands and quantum anomalous Hall insulators. Turning to spin dynamics, I will present our work on understanding neutron scattering experiments in half-metallic double perovskites as well as bulk iridium-based Mott insulators where we argue for dominant Kitaev exchange interactions.

Condensed Matter Seminar
Thursday, April 14, 2016
1:00 PM
Physics Building, Room 313
Note special time.
Note special room.

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