 Physics at Virginia

"Quantum fluctuations: From the Casimir Effect to Quantum Entanglement"

Israel Klich , University of Virginia
[Host: Joe Poon]
In the world of quantum mechanics, nothing is certain, including the meaning of "nothing". Indeed, the Casimir effect, an attraction between two mirrors separated by vacuum, sometimes called “A force from nothing”, is an example of the intricate consequences of taking quantum mechanics seriously. The Casimir effect has been in the spotlight in the last decade, as its importance beyond fundamental physics and its experimental demonstration have been realized. The effect is gaining relevance in areas as diverse as cosmology, quantum field theory, condensed matter physics, biology and nanotechnology. In this talk, I will explore the role of quantum fluctuations, and radiation matter coupling in creating this force, as well as present new results on another aspect of quantum fluctuations of great importance: that of entanglement. In particular, I will explore the entanglement between radiation and matter in a framework inspired by the Casimir effect.
Friday, September 21, 2012
4:00 PM
Physics Building, Room 204
Note special time.
Note special room.

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