Quantum criticality describes the strong fluctuations of a second order phase transition at zero temperature. There is growing evidence that it is
relevant to a large part of the phase diagram of a variety of strongly
correlated materials. In this talk, I will describe some of the basic issues that challenge the theoretical description of quantum criticality. I will go on to make the case for a new class of quantum critical point, with critical fluctuations that are genuinely quantum-mechanical.
In the case of heavy fermion metals, the theory of local quantum criticality characterizes such quantum fluctuations in terms of the collapse of a Kondo entanglement scale. Finally, I will summarize
some of the experimental evidences for this theory, particularly those
concerning the evolution of the Fermi surface.
Condensed Matter Seminar Thursday, September 28, 2006 4:00 PM Physics Building, Room 204 Note special time. Note special room. |
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