"Fluctuations in electronic, spintronic and photonic systems"Eugene Mishchenko , Harvard University [Host: Paul Fendley]
I will present both the experimental results and the theory
for the non-equilibrium fluctuations of electric current in mesoscopic
systems (diffusive wires and chaotic quantum dots). Non-interacting
electrons exhibit Poissonian statistics while correlations in mesoscopic
systems lead to the universality of current fluctuations. I will
consider the effects of spin-polarized transport on the noise and
magnetoresistance of spintronic systems. Finally, the electron-optical
analogies will be discussed in relation to the fluctuations of radiation
from chaotic absorbing ('grey body') and amplifying ('random laser')
optical media.
Condensed Matter Seminar Thursday, February 19, 2004 4:00 PM Physics Building, Room 204 Note special time. Note special room. |
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