"Real-time evolution for lattice gauge theory with Rydberg atoms"Meurice Yannick , University of Iowa [Host: Israel Klich]
We use tensor network methods to construct an approximate Hamiltonian for the lattice Abelian Higgs model. Using numerical methods, we show that for small systems in 1+1 dimensions, the real-time evolution of a particle-antiparticle initial state has features that can be interpreted as string breaking. We present analog implementations of this evolution using arrays of Rydberg atoms and compare with the target model. Our long term goal is to integrate the quantum simulation in event generators like Pythia. |
High Energy Physics Seminar Wednesday, October 16, 2024 4:00 PM Physics, Room 338 Zoom Link: https://virginia.zoom.us/my/craigdukes?pwd=pN367ShOczQYcc8PSaq0Uz98T0qaJw.1&omn=94509447223 |
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