 Physics at Virginia

"The CUORE experiment: results and perspectives"

Irene Nutini , Università Milano Bicocca - Dip. Fisica
[Host: Craig Dukes]

The Cryogenic Underground Observatory for Rare Events (CUORE), hosted at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso in Italy, is the first one-tonne scale cryogenic experiment searching for neutrinoless double-beta (0νββ) decay of 130Te. The discovery of this process would demonstrate that lepton number is not a symmetry of nature and that neutrinos are massive Majorana particles. The CUORE experiment has also the potential for the search for rare events and/or for physics beyond the Standard Model other than the 0νββ decay. CUORE is currently in stable operating mode, an exposure of more than 1 tonne∙yr has been achieved and the data taking is currently underway to collect 5 years of run time. In this talk, the current results of CUORE's main analyses will be presented, as well as a review of the detector performance and the analysis techniques. The seminar conclusion will provide an insight on the future perspectives of 0vββ decay searches utilising cryogenic calorimeters, mainly the CUPID experiment.

High Energy Physics Seminar
Wednesday, January 26, 2022
4:00 PM
Online, Room via Zoom
Note special room.

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