 Physics at Virginia

"The Astrophysics Program of the NOvA Experiment"

Matthew Strait , University of Minnesota
[Host: Craig Dukes]

NOvA is a long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiment with the primary goals of discovering CP violation in the neutrino sector, determining the neutrino mass hierarchy and constraining the mixing angle theta_23. The detectors have a highly active, finely segmented design that offers superb event identification capability. Besides oscillation measurements, NOvA also has a rich cosmic ray and astrophysics program. We have set competitive limits on the flux of magnetic monopoles and for supernova-like neutrinos associated with gravitational wave events. NOvA runs its own supernova trigger and plans to participate in SNEWS. Both the Near and Far detectors are being used to search for dark matter. We have observed new details of the seasonal variation of cosmic rays at two depths and have several other cosmic rays analyses underway.

High Energy Physics Seminar
Wednesday, October 6, 2021
4:00 PM
Online, Room via Zoom
Note special room.

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