"T-linear resistivity down to Tâ0 at the pseudogap critical point of holed-doped cuprates and Planckian dissipation"Dr. Anaelle Legros , John Hopkins University [Host: Utpal Chatterjee]
: The perfectly linear temperature dependence of the resistivity observed as T→0 in a variety of metals close to a quantum critical point is a major puzzle of condensed matter physics. In cuprates, this phenomenon is observed in the vicinity of the pseudogap critical point p*. Using high magnetic fields to suppress superconductivity, one can access the normal state properties down to T→0 close to this critical point. I will present high-field magneto-transport measurements of two hole-doped cuprates, near their respective p*, supporting that T-linear resistivity as T→0 is a generic property of cuprates, associated with a universal scattering rate. We measured the low-T resistivity of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ just above p* [1] and found that it exhibits a T-linear dependence, quantitatively similar to other very different cuprates. We also observed, using the Drude formula, that in various cuprates showing this low-T phenomenon the slope of this T-linear resistivity is given by a universal relation implying a specific scattering rate for charge carriers: 1/�� = αh/2πkBT (corresponding to what is called the Planckian limit [2]), where h is Planck’s constant, kB is the Boltzmann constant and α a constant of order unity. Finally, we directly measured the scattering rate in La1.6−xNd0.4SrxCuO4, just above p* and in the low-T limit, using angle-dependent magneto-resistance measurements [4]: these experiments reveal an inelastic scattering rate which is isotropic and linear in temperature, and whose magnitude is consistent with Planckian dissipation. |
Condensed Matter Seminar Thursday, December 9, 2021 3:30 PM Online, Room via Zoom Note special room. Join Zoom Meetinghttps://virginia.zoom.us/j/96936622285Meeting ID: 969 3662 2285 Passcode: 792554 |
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