"A fermionic triangular-lattice quantum gas microscope "Peter Schauss , University of Virginia - Physics Dept. [Host: Bob Jones]
Geometrically frustrated many-body systems show many interesting emerging phenomena, ranging from kinetic frustration to exotic spin ordering and chiral spin liquid phases. Ultracold atom systems offer great tunability and flexibility to realize such systems in a wide parameter range of interactions, densities, and spin-imbalance. In this talk, I will present our recent results on site-resolved imaging of ultracold fermionic lithium atoms on a triangular optical lattice. Degenerate Fermi gases with about one tenth of the Fermi temperature have been realized within a crossed dipole trap and successfully loaded into a two-dimensional triangular optical lattice. To characterize this lattice, we observed Kapitza-Dirac scattering using a molecular Bose-Einstein condensate. Collecting the emitted photons during Raman sideband cooling in the triangular lattice using a high-resolution microscope objective enabled the high-fidelity imaging of individual fermionic atoms in the lattice with single-site resolution. The next step will be the realization of a triangular lattice Hubbard model by implementing an additional optical lattice to increase interactions. This novel experimental platform will allow us to study spin and density correlations in the triangular Hubbard model to explore signatures of frustration and spin-hole bound states and may lead to a direct observation of non-vanishing chiral correlations. VIDEO:
Colloquium Friday, February 5, 2021 3:30 PM Physics Building, Room via Zoom Note special room. Click on the following link to attend the online colloquium:https://web.phys.virginia.edu/Private/Covid-19/colloquium.asp |
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