"Quantum Wakes and Measurement Induced Chirality"Matthew Wampler , University of Virginia - Department of Physics [Host: Israel Klich]
We study the long term behavior of lattice fermions undergoing repeated particle detection, extraction, or injection interspersed with unitary evolution in two specific regimes. First, we investigate the wake pattern formed behind a moving probe performing these operations. These disturbances show dramatically different behavior where, notably, at half-filling the “measurement wake” vanishes and the “extraction wake” becomes temperature independent. Second, in analogy with the edge modes found in topologically trivial systems when undergoing floquet driving, we provide a protocol of repeated local density measurements that induces edge modes in a topologically trivial system while the hamiltonian remains time independent. In the limit of rapid measurements, the so-called Zeno limit, we connect this system to a novel stochastic dynamical system and discover an interesting double step structure in the charge transport in this regime. |
Condensed Matter Seminar Thursday, March 25, 2021 3:30 PM Online, Room via Zoom Note special room. Join Zoom Meeting:https://virginia.zoom.us/j/92170693950Meeting ID: 921 7069 3950
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