"Duality between Space-like and Time-like Processes in Gauge Theory"Duff Neill , Los Alamos National Lab [Host: Peter Arnold]
Since the original papers of Drell-Levy-Yan, there has been a desire to unite the process of production of hadrons in the final state to the process of probing the structure of a hadronic initial state. Specifically, one wants to relate the process of single inclusive annihilation (SIA) to deep in-elastic scattering (DIS) via crossing and analyticity. It has long been known that any straightforward relation between the two processes fails, however, pursuing this relation has lead to a deeper and richer connection between SIA and DIS, now known as the space-time reciprocity relation (arXiv hep-th/0612247). I shall give an introduction to this space-time reciprocity relation, and argue that the relationship is a consequence of the deeper connection between final and initial state dynamics governed by an underlying conformal symmetry which maps between the two, up-to anomalous terms which should cancel as regulators are removed, but from which one is never free due to the initial conditions of the scaling evolution. As a consequence, I will give a time-like BFKL equation that resums the soft region of the fragmentation function of QCD, which maps to the space-like BFKL equation that governs the soft region of the parton distribution function. Time permitting, I will discuss both possible formal implications and phenomenological applications. This will be a blackboard talk. |
Condensed Matter Seminar Thursday, January 23, 2020 12:45 PM Physics Building, Room 313 Note special time. Note special room. Special Seminar |
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