 Physics at Virginia

When you shine a laser on an atom, the electric field of the light induces a dipole moment, resulting in an energy shift. The dipole can be either parallel or anti-parallel to the field, depending on the frequency of the light. This corresponds to negative or positive energies. At certain frequencies, however, the induced dipole is zero. The corresponding light wavelength is called a tune-out wavelength. The location of the various tune-out wavelengths depend on the electronic wave function in the atom, particularly the dipole matrix elements . So by measuring the tune-out wavelength, the dipole matrix elements can be determined more accurately than by conventional techniques. This is useful because the dipole matrix elements are also used to relate precision atomic experiments like parity violation to fundamental particle properties like the weak mixing angle. We have developed a new technique for measuring  tune-out wavelengths, which should improve our knowledge of many matrix elements by an order of magnitude or more. We hope that this will support new generations of precision atomic measurements.

Friday, September 15, 2017
3:30 PM
Physics Building, Room 204
Note special room.

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