 Physics at Virginia

"Target and Polarimetry studies for GEn and An1 experiments at JLab"

Sumudu Katugampola , UVA- Department of Physics
[Host: Gordon Cates]

An upcoming measurement at Jefferson Laboratory (JLab) of the electric form factor of the neutron (GEn) will utilize a polarized 3He target at high luminosity. While polarized 3He targets at JLab have previously been made entirely of glass, we describe progress toward six liter, convection style target cells incorporating metal windows for the electron beam. We have found good performance by using Oxygen Free High Conductivity (OFHC) copper substrates electroplated with gold. We have further established that Uranium glass (Canary glass) has excellent spin-relaxation properties, and can serve as a transition glass from Pyrex to Aluminosilicate glass (GE180). We also present polarimetry results of our first production, “Stage 1”, all-glass target cell that is to be used in the measurement of the virtual photon spin asymmetry of the neutron (A1n) at JLab. Further, we present preliminary results of a custom built, low noise NMR system which will be used in the precision measurement of the atomic parameter k0, which is important for the accurate understanding of the 3He polarization and which characterizes the 3He-Rb system.

Atomic Physics Seminar
Monday, April 17, 2017
3:30 PM
Physics Building, Room 204
Note special room.


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