"Electronic Structures and reactions of transition-metal-cluster ions"Akira Terasaki , Cluster Research Laboratory, Toyota Technological Institute [Host: Louis Bloomfield]
From recent extensive studies on atomic and molecular clusters,
it has been shown that their physical and chemical properties alter
dramatically as a function of the number of constituent atoms (cluster size).
Particularly, clusters of transition-metal elements attract attention
because they are expected to possess novel characters in magnetism
and catalysis. Since these properties originate from the electronic and
geometric structures, it is essentially important to investigate their
structures by both experimental and theoretical studies.
From the experimental side, the laser spectroscopy of size-selected cluster
ions is one of the most powerful means for this purpose. From the
theoretical side, on the other hand, recent advances in density-functional
theory (DFT) provide powerful tools to search for the optimized geometry
and to calculate the electronic structures of small clusters. The theoretical
approach to the analysis of the experimental results allows understanding
of the size-specific properties of those clusters.
On the basis of this strategy we have carried out photoabsorption and
photoelectron spectroscopies of small cluster ions of cobalt, vanadium
and manganese. Discussion is made by focusing on their magnetic properties.
Regarding reactivity, our recent experiments on the reaction of nickel
cluster ions with a methanol molecule have revealed reaction processes
clearly dependent on the cluster size.
Atomic Physics Seminar Monday, October 16, 2000 4:00 PM Physics Building, Room 204 Note special time. Note special room. |
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