 Physics at Virginia

"Non-Fermi liquid fixed point for an imbalanced gas of fermions in 1+ ε dimensions"

Andrew James , University of Virginia
[Host: Austen Lamacraft]
We consider a two species gas of fermions with population imbalance. Using the renormalisation group in d=1+ ε dimensions, we show that for spinless fermions and ε > 0 a fixed point appears at finite attractive coupling where the quasiparticle residue Ζ vanishes, and identify this fixed point with the transition to Larkin--Ovchinnikov--Fulde--Ferrell order (inhomogeneous superconductivity). When the two species of fermions also carry spin degrees of freedom we find a repulsive fixed point, indicating a transition to spin density wave order.
Condensed Matter Seminar
Monday, November 23, 2009
3:30 PM
Physics Building, Room 204
Note special date.
Note special room.

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