 Physics at Virginia

"Studying strong and electroweak interactions using electron scattering at Jefferson Lab"

Xiaochao Zheng , University of Virginia
[Host: Dinko Pocanic]
I will present two research topics of Jefferson Lab: The first topic is focused on a planned precision measurement of the parity violating asymmetry in e-2H deep inelastic scattering (PVDIS). This asymmetry is sensitive to the electroweak neutral coupling $C_{2q}$ of the Standard Model. The experiment (E08-011) has been approved to run from November to December 2009. I will present the progress in the preparation of E08-011, in particular the development of a new fast-counting DAQ system. The second topic is on the extraction of double and single-target spin asymmetries of pion electro-production using JLab Hall B(CLAS)/EG4 data. We expect to extract these asymmetries in the very low $Q^2$ region Q^2<0.1 (GeV/c)^2. These data will provide important inputs to global analyses of the nucleon resonance structure. Preliminary results using a 3 GeV beam and a NH$_3$ target will be presented.
Friday, February 6, 2009
4:00 PM
Physics Building, Room 204
Note special time.
Note special room.

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