 Physics at Virginia

"Cavity optomechanics"

Pierre Meystre , University of Arizona
[Host: Tom Gallagher]
Recent experimental advances in laser cooling have brought macroscopic oscillators closer than ever before to operating in the quantum regime. Fundamental interest in this frontier lies in the fact that quantum mechanics has never been tested at such a macroscopic scale, particularly with respect to counter-intuitive effects such as superposition and entanglement. From a more practical point of view, mechanical oscillators operating in the quantum offer considerable promise as sensors whose precision is fundamentally restricted by quantum mechanics. The talk will present a broad review of the basic principles of the laser cooling of opto-mechanical cantilevers, and then turn to a discussion of some possible applications in the coherent control of atomic and molecular systems.
Friday, November 21, 2008
4:00 PM
Physics Building, Room 204
Note special time.
Note special room.

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