"Optical frequency combs for stable radiation in the microwave, terahertz "Qudsia Quraishi , Univ. of Colorado and NIST, Boulder [Host: Olivier Pfister]
Optical frequency combs (OFC) have dramatically changed the paradigm
for precision optical frequency measurements. Modern precision measurements rely
upon the comb to act as a frequency gear-work to bridge a reference frequency
(microwave or optical) to another frequency of interest, which can result in 17
digits of measurement accuracy. For such frequency comparisons, which often span
hundreds of nanometers, the noise contribution of the comb itself must be well
understood. Additionally, beyond precision optical measurements,
recent work has shown that very low phase noise microwave signals may also be
extracted from OFCs. The limits to the combs' performance in the optical and
microwave domains is a matter of current inquiry.
In my talk, I will discuss noise properties associated with signals extracted
from OFCs. In the case of the combs' optical signals, I will discuss the scaling
of phase noise of OFCs across 240 nanometers of the combs' optical bandwidth. In
the case of the combs microwave signals, I will discuss efforts currently
underway to achieve very low phase noise signals, in the x-band range of 10 GHz,
which exceed the performance of state-of-the-art microwave sources. Finally, I
will discuss the integration of the comb with the terahertz domain to generate
broadly tunable and narrow linewidth radiation in the terahertz regime.
Atomic Physics Seminar Monday, February 18, 2008 3:30 PM Physics Building, Room 204 Note special room. |
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