"Quantum phase transitions and magnon stability in gapped spin chains and ladders"Andrey Zheludev , Oak Ridge National Laboratory [Host: Seung-Hun Lee]
The lowest energy excitations in quantum disordered spin chains and ladders are a triplet of massive magnons. The stability of these quasiparticles depends critically on the symmetries of the actual spin Hamiltonian. When the spin system undergoes a quantum phase transition, for example one induced by a strong external magnetic field, the symmetry of the ground state changes, and so do the excitations. I will present a comparative inelastic neutron
scattering study of three distinct one-dimensional disordered spin systems: the S=1 quasi-1D bond-alternating antiferromagnet NTENP, the uniform anisotropic S=1-chain Haldane-gap compound
NDMAP and the uniform isotropic ``composite'' Haldane spin chain IPA-CuCl3. For each material I will discuss the field-induced condensation of magnons, and analyze the spectra measured below,
at and above the transition point. The high-field phase will be characterized either as a Bose-Einstein magnon condensate, with a
cartelistic gapless Goldstone mode, or as a gapped "quantum spin solid". The issue of magnon stability in each phase will be addressed in detail.
Condensed Matter Seminar Thursday, October 26, 2006 4:00 PM Physics Building, Room 204 Note special time. Note special room. |
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